Okuma Osp Manual

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About The Developer Company: Certified Developer? Phone: 414.586.0450 Email: 'Morris Midwest has a 22,000 square foot facility in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with a showroom, parts department, service and applications area, service area, THiNC速 control center and offices. We also have a 25,000 square foot facility in Roselle, Illinois that doubles as Okuma's Midwest Tech Center. Morris Midwest, a division of Morris Group, Inc., was founded in May 2006.

  1. Okuma Osp P200m
  2. Okuma Osp E100l Manual
  3. Okuma Osp P300 Manual

Morris Group,Inc. Has 13 subsidiaries operating throughout the East and Central sections of the United States, an area responsible for 65% of total machine tool consumption. The group was founded in 1941 and is headquartered in Windsor, Connecticut. The Robert E.

Morris Company was the founding member of Okuma distribution in America. Learn more about Morris Group, Inc.'

Us constitution study guide 8th grade. I am trying to learn this Okuma control on a new machine I bought without paying the breath-taking high prices the dealer wants to come out and train me. This is on a Hardinge GX1000 OSP. All Okuma drives, servos, control etc. I bought this machine from a guy who used it for one job.

Nov 14, 2013 - Okuma's OSP-P300 CNC control employs a unique process-based mode of. EASY OPERATION also expands the manual machine operation. Okuma OSP 5000 Manuals. Instruction Manual and User Guide for Okuma OSP 5000. We have 17 Okuma OSP 5000 manuals for free PDF download.

He had the dealer set up the machine and programs for him and after about 500 hours the job job went sour and a year later he sold me the machine. He knew vary little about the control and I don't know anyone with an Okuma so I am hoping to get some help here. The manuals that come with the machine offer little help. They tell you things like go 'here' and do this, but don't tell you where 'here' is. Or they say Alam such and such means exactly what it says on the screen but no instruction on how to clear the alarm or what is causing it.

I have made my way through a lot of those kinds of things, loaded a few tools, and put a vise on the table but now I am stuck on something I'm sure is simple. How do I transfer a Program to the control via USB? Here is where I am. #1.Press PARAMETER button. #2.After a lot of button pressing I get to the COMMON VARIABLES Screen (this is what it shows in the book) #3.From there I choose F7 DATA IN/OUT #4.Then I press F1 INPUT #5.In the pop up window in the middle of the screen I choose US0 (UPPER) #6.Then I type in the file name mill.min #7.Press the WRITE key #8.Press F7 OK Then I get the error code '85002 File Function: Fopen' I am lost here. Any suggestions?


Okuma Osp P200m


You should not be going to your parameters page. Here it is: Program button (not parameter) Dir display Another display touch screen to select device name on the right side USO (upper)-Flash drive needs to be in the upper USB port OK This will give you the split screen showing the programs in the machine already and the programs on the flash drive Highlight the program name on the USB side copy left This only works if the file on the flash drive has a.min extension.

If it does not have a.min create the new program in the MD1 directory then open the program on the flash drive so you have both screens side by side and copy the code and paste it in the new MD1 program. You should consider having your distributor come in and train you. When I started purchasing new equipment 2 years ago, the training Morris provided was just as beneficial as the increased speed of the machine.

I now have 2 of the Hardinge GX1000 OSP. PM me if you have any other questions.

Your in the parameters screen.@Edster your are correct. Started looking at that once I put up that post. Had to put down the book to make sense of anything.

Okuma Osp E100l Manual

Things make more sense when not confused with the user manual. I am now using the Edit key next to Parameters key. Am I wanting to COPY from US0 to MD1?

I can copy from MD1 to US0 no problem but when I try to copy from US0 to MD1 it tells me the file does not exist. I am trying to copy a simple post I exported using HSMWorks and their generic Okuma post. Seems like my control cant see it.

Is there special formatting or something that needs to be in place before the control can read from the USB port? File should be a generic text file.

Change the.txt file extension to.min and put an O5000 (or any number you want) as the first line in the program. Sould be able to see the file when listing the directory for usb. Highlight the file then copy left, if your in dual directory mode where you see a split screen with the MD1 directory on the left.

MD1 is the name of the machines program directory. You can also use windows explorer to drag and drop files into the MD1 folder. Be careful what you put in as a file name. The control doesn't like spaces or characters other than letters and numbers as a file name. It will copy them but you won't be able to select the program in auto mode. You should not be going to your parameters page.

Here it is: Program button (not parameter) Dir display Another display touch screen to select device name on the right side USO (upper)-Flash drive needs to be in the upper USB port OKThanks for the info motofab555. I can now transfer files to the NC. Now on to the next hurdle. Does anyone use G116 for tool changes? My CAM put it in automatically but I have never used it. I always use M06 and changed my G116 to M06 because the control did not like it. Probably a macro that has to be set up.

I am wondering if it would help this PIA tool changer which is stuck for the third time in a week. I have yet to run a program or cut a chip. Any help with this tool changer and any ideas on what you do that works, Pre-Stage tools or not etc. I am in the ATC screen trying one step advance to get this thing to move but nothing works. The tool arm has a hold on the tool in the spindle and the one in the tool changer but wont go any further. I'm starting to wonder if this guy sold me this machine just to get rid of the tool changer.

Does anyone have a methode for clearing the toolchanger? I am trying to one step advance the machine in manual mode using the ATC menu. It has stopped twice on sequence 13 that was cleared manually.

This time was different I think it was sequence 11 or 12. I changed it a few time because nothing would move using one step advance and the interlock release key. That and single step advance got it to where it is now.

One tool in the tool pot and one in the spindle with the tool change arm on both but it wont drop down and turn to change the tools. Here is what I know Machine is on pot 16 and it knows this. It is trying to swap out tool 2 and 3. One is in the spindle and one is in the tool pot. Stopped before tool pot was lowered to vertical position. One step advance lowed tool pot 16 (tool 3) to vertical position. Pressing one step advance again got the arm to swing over and grab the tools (for a moment I got excited thinking this would work) Then nothing else would work.

Machine is stopped in the current position. Here is a screen shot. The Alarm showed up later and the book says ATC is out of sequence. Very helpful.

Is there a g116 program in you program library? Or any other programs? Typically I've seen the toolchange macro called a g111 on okumas, but you can use whatever you want.

The toolchangers can get locked up if your not careful. You probably caused your own problem here by not using a g111 TC macro. That would be the absolute first thing I get sorted out on the machine. I have a GX1000 OSP and I never (knock on wood) lock up the toolchanger anymore.

Okuma Osp P300 Manual

I always had a solid g111 (borrowed from other okumas) so that wasn't my problem. The problem was unlocking the door while the drum is still moving prestaging the next tool. I'm very careful not to do that and I haven't had any problems since. I have a g111 TC macro posted somewhere here with instructions how to install it.

I'll try to find it and post it here. My post processor was using a G116 by default. I'm not familiar with macros and all the programs in the machine used M06 and prestaged the tools. Also the Macro was not set up but I will have somebody who knows more about it do that. I don't want to mess with anything that could mess up this tool changer again.

I have spent two days trying to fix it and cant afford to do it any more. Talked to a tech who knows the control and he seemed confused as to why it wouldn't clear too. Always easier to tell when your in front of the machine though. I cant get past the '15736 tool change arm is not in STANDBY POSITION' Error. I have manually moved the arm using the bolt on the top of the motor.

I have had it in very possible position including the right one but still get the error. According to the Deta manual (manufacturer of the tool changer) there are three prox switches that indicate the arms position. They all have little red lights and I have had every light combination possible and then tried 'STEP ADVANCE' to get past it and always get the 'STANDBY POSITION' Error.

Im at a total loss. Its like it is not getting the signal. If I change the SEQ. NO to 10 I can then do a STEP ADVANCE to 11 that will lower the tool pot to the vertical position but it will go no further.

Before it went as far as swinging the arm onto each tool but something has changed and it wont do that anymore. Ive probably pushed too many buttons and got the thing confused. I'm going to have to get a tech to come out and try to fix it. Problem is we are a long way out of town so it is hard to get some one to come out. Thanks for all the suggestions. I have definitely learned more.

Well here is the outcome. Had a tech look at the machine today. After a couple hours he threw his hands up and said it should work and he couldnt figure it out. I felt less crazy at that point but not any happier.

Then not wanting him to leave I started saying well lets try this or that or maybe it could be this or that. We ended up single stepping the machine from step one to step 14.

Before we started I told him I knew that the tool pot dropped down on step 11 but couldnt get it to go any further. Well the tool pot dropped down on 6 up on 7 down on 8 up on 9 down again on 11 and then a miracle happened.

The arm moved into place, then grabbed the tools, swapped them, and returned to where it was in the standby position. After that everything worked fine. We were both confused but happy. It seems to me there is a disconnect between the tool changer and the control. The tool changing arm was in the right spot and the proximity switches showed that.

You could even toggle them off and on and see it in the control logic, they worked just fine. But some how that sequence not completing left a door open somewhere and the machine would do nothing till that door got closed. After that it was fine. Thanks to everyone for all the help. I'm sure I'll be back with other questions.

I got some tools loaded today and ran some test programs. Everything worked fine. I still need to figure out G15 and G116. I have not used those before.